10 May 2024

Exploring New Horizons: Ethan Turner's Journey on the Philippines Study Tour in the summer

Bachelor of Commerce student, Ethan Turner, shares his experience of the Phillippines Study Tour Summer 2024.

Why did you choose to take part in the Philippines Study Tour? 

Initially, I read about the program in an email I had received. As I’d already traveled to many countries in the region, the prospect of being able to visit the Philippines where I had never been, whilst learning and completing a subject seemed perfect for me. Looking into it further the idea of being able to practically learn about the current state of the Philippines by actually being in the country was intriguing to me. 

What were the highlights of the program? 

There were many unique and unforgettable experiences on the trip. One was the tribes and treks tour day, where we spent the morning walking across volcanic plains to reach a remote tribe. We then sat and learned from the tribe and interacted with the residents, helping the community to plant seeds to bring eco-friendly income to the community. Being able to visit other communities such as GK Silver Heights was also a highlight. Being able to understand how their communities and way of life worked, whilst connecting to them through eating the meals they cooked or playing games with the kids, was an amazing experience. The program consisted of visiting many social enterprises and learning how they bettered the environment and community whilst still driving for a profit in some areas. 

Can you explain what the project work involved? 

Towards the end of the trip, we were broken up into groups and were tasked with choosing one of the many social enterprises that we visited and evaluating an effective way they could improve their business model. This allowed us to deeply evaluate all we had learned on the trip and put it into practice by utilising the theory we’d learned on the trip and throughout our degrees. 

What were the key insights that you gained? 

Being physically on the ground in the Philippines allowed me to properly understand the day-to-day issues that social entrepreneurs face when creating a business in the region. Hearing from individuals firsthand created a learning experience unachievable in Australia, done by evaluating and understanding the unique issues and opportunities that are presented to entrepreneurs in countries with different socio-economic statuses. 

Has the program changed the way you see your future career? 

The program has most definitely led me to investigate certain career paths that would bring greater benefits to disadvantaged people or improve the environment. 

You received the New Colombo Plan (NCP) grant. How did this funding help with your Study Tour experience? 

Receiving the New Colombo Plan grant allowed me to go on this study tour without having to worry on how I was going to finance it. Which then allowed me to enjoy the trip to a greater degree. 

What advice would you give students considering applying for a study tour? 

My advice would be to do it. You get to visit a new country and experience its culture whilst completing a subject, coupled with practical learning activities, the trip is well worth consideration.

23 April 2024

Unlocking opportunities via the USA Industry Placement Program: Charlotte Smeallie

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Advanced Studies student, Charlotte Smeallie, shares her experience of the USA Industry Placement Program BWIL2215 in summer 2024.

How did you get involved in the USA IPP?

I saw the promotional emails sent to us about the program and have always had an interest in working overseas, especially New York, so it felt like the stars were aligning with this opportunity. I was quick to apply and was lucky enough to be chosen!


What were the highlights of the program and the trip?

Being in New York for an extended period of time was a highlight in itself, you really got to understand the city well and I could definitely see myself moving there to work again in the future, it has the most indescribable vibe to it. But even more than that, I was so incredibly fortunate with the group of people I got to travel with from USYD. Having barely known each other at the start, we were able to bond quickly over our shared experiences when exploring the city and often catch up after work to debrief our day. It was amazing and very comforting to have them to share my time in NY with. 


What were the biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

Definitely the biggest challenge was maintaining self-confidence. Coming to a big city like NY with a group of people I initially didn’t know well was certainly daunting and the first week in the office I was somewhat timid and unsure of my capabilities. However, in reminding myself of how grateful I am to be in this position in the first place and to not overthink my mistakes, I was able to reposition my mindset. As such, I was able to improve the quality of my work and truly just embrace everything the city had to offer. Not to mention, figuring out the subway system definitely took a few days but by the end of the trip you felt like a local getting around the city!


What career skills do you think you developed through the program?

The program, and especially my placement position, taught me a lot about the direction I want my career to head and the skills I need to continue developing to achieve my goals. Primarily, I learnt a lot of technical and problem-solving skills when it came to the everyday tasks I was completing at work, including market analysis and internal valuations. This brought a wealth of industry knowledge and ideas that I hadn’t yet even considered, due to the many connections that my workplace had with others.


Has the program changed the way you see your future career?

Given my placement was in the finance industry, and closely aligned with my studies at university, it is definitely the direction I had hoped for my career path to go. However, my placement company had a particular emphasis on blockchain and artificial intelligence which I learnt an immense amount about and found fascinating. Therefore I would say I am definitely more inclined to continue my career in this field of finance, especially given its growing impact. More so, the program highlighted my love for working in another country, especially in a place like NY which is a global hub of commerce and provides many more opportunities.


What advice would you give students considering applying for the USA IPP?

My advice when applying is to be authentic in your personal statement and to keep an open-mind. Be prepared to embrace new experiences and challenges that arise through both the application process and throughout the program, with the understanding that it is all part of your personal growth. There was definitely a part of me that was hesitant about whether I was going to cope being overseas and working in a foreign city. However, it is probably the best thing I’ve ever done for my own self-confidence and I walked away having learnt a whole lot and with a new group of friends. 

5 March 2024

Unlocking career potential with authentic industry experience: Gianna He

Master of Commerce (Extension) student, Gianna He shares her experience of the Job Smart Edge unit BWIL6573. 

How did you get involved in the unit?  

I attended the Job Smart program (BWIL6573) introduction session during orientation week. The employment-focused experiences described by the ambassador were exactly what I needed and fit my career ambitions.  


What was your experience of the program like?  

The program was more challenging than I thought it would be and helped me push my boundaries and grow my teamwork skills. I found each week’s content rich and valuable. It grounded the theory we learned in real business cases with the unit coordinator’s personal experiences. The course also allowed me to meet new people with different views and experiences and make new friends. These aspects made BWIL6573 a valuable experience for my future career development.  


What were the highlights?  

One outstanding moment was the completion of my e-portfolio website. Presenting it gave me a sense of accomplishment as I was very proud of completing something I had never tried before. Another highlight was when my group received feedback from the client after completing our business proposal as part of the Digital Industry Project for Learn Grow Become. It helped me connect and demonstrate the theory I had learned throughout the course and real industry experience.  


What were the biggest challenges, and how did you overcome them?  

One of my biggest challenges was finishing a project with people I had not previously worked with. Coordinating as a group in such a short time was difficult as we were unfamiliar with each other, and it definitely put me out of my comfort zone. The reflective component of the course was another challenge for me as I needed to learn to think analytically about our project.  


What career skills do you think you developed through the program?  

I developed my problem-solving and verbal, and written communication skills through this program. Working with new people enhanced my leadership abilities, improving goal setting, planning, and critical and reflective thinking. 


What would you say to future students considering applying for this unit?  

This program really helped me develop my potential and build a clearer picture of my career ambitions. It is definitely an excellent opportunity to grow the skills essential for employability.  

5 February 2024

Exploring your passion through work integrated learning: Kayla Bellamy

Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Advanced Studies student Kayla Bellamy shares her experience of Business Consulting Practicum (BWIL1300)

How did you get in the unit? 

I got involved in the unit during my second semester at university when I was exploring different career paths. After attending various university events and conversing with fellow students in my first semester, the field of consulting caught my attention. Upon further investigation, I discovered that Sydney University offered a consulting class, which seemed like an excellent opportunity for me to explore consulting while pursuing my degree.


What was your experience of the program like? 

The program was highly interactive and provided ample opportunities to meet new people. I grew close to my group members, and it felt like a social break from traditional university classes while still being productive. We had the chance to present our ideas to prominent figures in the industry and even received invitations to discuss our concepts further with the companies themselves.


What were the highlights? 

The people I met were definitely the highlight of the program. Collaborating with them made the experience enjoyable, almost like working with friends. The interactive nature of the group work made it engaging and different from typical lectures and tutorials.


What were the biggest challenges and how did you overcome them? 

One of the significant challenges was coordinating group work amidst everyone's busy schedules. Finding a regular time to meet outside of class required effort. Additionally, ensuring that all group members shared the same level of commitment and work ethic was crucial. Overcoming these challenges involved effective communication and finding common ground among team members.


What career skills do you think you developed through the program? 

  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Addressing complex business issues enhanced my problem-solving abilities.
  • Strategic Communication: Collaborating with diverse team members improved my ability to convey ideas convincingly.
  • Project Management: Leading project execution taught me the importance of efficiency and organization.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility: Handling evolving project demands developed my resilience and adaptability.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: Emphasis on ethical practices reinforced principled decision-making aligned with client objectives.

What would you say to future students considering applying for the unit? 

I would encourage future students to seize the opportunity to meet new people and collaborate closely with their peers. It's essential to choose group members you get along with and remember the importance of compromise in group work. The unit offers a unique experience, and with hard work, it can lead to exciting opportunities beyond traditional classroom settings.

30 January 2024

Overcoming workplace challenges through an academic lens: Meghana Sharma

Master of Commerce student Meghana Sharma shares her experience of the Experience in Industry unit (BWIL2150/BWIL6150).

How did you get involved in the Experience in Industry unit?

I enrolled in the Experience in Industry unit as part of my Master of Commerce. I was recommended the unit as an opportunity to gain practical insights into the industry and apply academic knowledge in a real-world setting.


What was your experience of the program like?

Undertaking the unit was an enriching experience as it provided a unique opportunity to reflect deeply on past and current situations within my workplace. From the professional skills developed within the unit, I am now able to draw on the parallels of published literature to make informed decisions actively when a situation is happening. This was truly mind-opening and developed key skills for my career. 


What were the highlights?

The biggest highlight of the program was the student-centric design and facilitation. From workshop schedules to the assessment criteria, the unit accommodates the schedules and commitments of working professionals. My unit coordinator, Sanri LeRoux, made the unit incredibly valuable. Sanri provided prompt feedback and was genuine in her efforts. I always had significant takeaways from every seminar I attended.


What were the biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

One of the biggest challenges I faced in the program was analysing my work style. I work in the for-purpose sector, which I am deeply passionate about. This makes day-to-day tasks feel very nuanced, as there is an underlying emotional spiel attached to every action I make. The assessments encouraged me to reflect critically on incidents and challenges with emotional detachment while learning how to respond with solutions drawn from academic literature.

What career skills do you think you developed through the program?

Prior to completing the unit, my responses to workplace scenarios were primarily emotional. Exposure to academic theories helped me adopt an unbiased, strategic and long-term lens when approaching challenging situations. Taking a long-term perspective made me realise that I could choose a career path that works for my personality. I am empowered knowing I can forge a career path by first reinforcing what matters to me and not leaving it to chance.


What would you say to future students considering applying for the Experience in Industry unit?

Regardless of their field of work, I would strongly encourage those with work experience to enrol in the Experience in Industry unit. It is a unique and valuable opportunity to address workplace challenges from an academic lens, learning to analyse them and devise the best possible response critically. This process will stay with you forever. Discussing challenges with someone like Sanri has been a truly rewarding experience. 

Learn more about the Experience in Industry unit (BWIL2150/BWIL6150).

25 January 2024

Unlocking your potential through an internship: Thilinie Seimon

Master of Commerce (Business Information Systems) student Thilinie Seimon shares her experience with the Local Industry Placement Program.

How did you get involved in the unit?

The Local Industry Placement Program is a selective or elective unit of study contributing 6-credit points towards my degree. What motivated me to participate in the program was the opportunity to gain work experience at a local organisation, receive personalised feedback throughout the hiring process - from resume screening to the interview process - and benefit from invaluable learning opportunities provided by the assessment centre.


What was your experience of the program like?

My internship experience was directly aligned with my career goals and interests. It helped me realise my potential and the skills I can bring to an organisation. The internship provided me with an opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained from my undergraduate and postgraduate studies in a real-world setting.


The continuous support of the teaching team and tailored assessments ensured I received the most out of the experience. Working with my internship supervisor in the early stages of the program allowed me to lead a project with a company-wide impact. The project I was assigned to during my internship looked at new systems to encourage idea-sharing, transparency and employee engagement across the organisation


What were the highlights?

During my internship at Rabobank Australia, I formed strong relationships with numerous colleagues from my team as well as from other parts of the company, including senior managers from Australia and New Zealand. The opportunity to lead a project that has a company-wide impact was truly rewarding and strengthened my ability to think on my own feet. Upon completion of the project, I was awarded the Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certification which is a company-wide initiative for employees whose work improves an existing business process. 


What were the biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

Working within a team with remote colleagues was the biggest challenge I faced during the internship. The work culture helped me overcome this hurdle and I quickly became comfortable taking the initiative to seek assistance from colleagues.


Another challenge I was presented with was the unfamiliarity with the software required to lead the project. Learning how to work with this software in 10 weeks was challenging yet exciting and extremely value-adding for my career.


What career skills do you think you developed through the program?

The internship improved my communication skills, strengthening my cross-cultural communication and active listening. These soft skills were key when interviewing colleagues from diverse backgrounds. The opportunity also increased my confidence and resilience when undertaking challenging tasks. 


What would you say to future students considering applying for the unit?

This program is well-organised, and the teaching team, particularly the supervisors, are very supportive. They will help you achieve the best from the internship and mentor you on reaching your career goals. If you are curious to learn through experience, make this opportunity yours to shine!


Learn more about the Local Industry Placement Program.