10 May 2024

Exploring New Horizons: Ethan Turner's Journey on the Philippines Study Tour in the summer

Bachelor of Commerce student, Ethan Turner, shares his experience of the Phillippines Study Tour Summer 2024.

Why did you choose to take part in the Philippines Study Tour? 

Initially, I read about the program in an email I had received. As I’d already traveled to many countries in the region, the prospect of being able to visit the Philippines where I had never been, whilst learning and completing a subject seemed perfect for me. Looking into it further the idea of being able to practically learn about the current state of the Philippines by actually being in the country was intriguing to me. 

What were the highlights of the program? 

There were many unique and unforgettable experiences on the trip. One was the tribes and treks tour day, where we spent the morning walking across volcanic plains to reach a remote tribe. We then sat and learned from the tribe and interacted with the residents, helping the community to plant seeds to bring eco-friendly income to the community. Being able to visit other communities such as GK Silver Heights was also a highlight. Being able to understand how their communities and way of life worked, whilst connecting to them through eating the meals they cooked or playing games with the kids, was an amazing experience. The program consisted of visiting many social enterprises and learning how they bettered the environment and community whilst still driving for a profit in some areas. 

Can you explain what the project work involved? 

Towards the end of the trip, we were broken up into groups and were tasked with choosing one of the many social enterprises that we visited and evaluating an effective way they could improve their business model. This allowed us to deeply evaluate all we had learned on the trip and put it into practice by utilising the theory we’d learned on the trip and throughout our degrees. 

What were the key insights that you gained? 

Being physically on the ground in the Philippines allowed me to properly understand the day-to-day issues that social entrepreneurs face when creating a business in the region. Hearing from individuals firsthand created a learning experience unachievable in Australia, done by evaluating and understanding the unique issues and opportunities that are presented to entrepreneurs in countries with different socio-economic statuses. 

Has the program changed the way you see your future career? 

The program has most definitely led me to investigate certain career paths that would bring greater benefits to disadvantaged people or improve the environment. 

You received the New Colombo Plan (NCP) grant. How did this funding help with your Study Tour experience? 

Receiving the New Colombo Plan grant allowed me to go on this study tour without having to worry on how I was going to finance it. Which then allowed me to enjoy the trip to a greater degree. 

What advice would you give students considering applying for a study tour? 

My advice would be to do it. You get to visit a new country and experience its culture whilst completing a subject, coupled with practical learning activities, the trip is well worth consideration.

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